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Rush (feat. Meredith Hagan)
"After the suns, are done setting
After the hills, are done rolling

These silvery clouds, have no lining
Can't find my way, but I'm trying

And I know
Thoughts of you don't fade away
They just grow, getting stronger every day

Now I feel the rush
It fucks me up
When I think about you
When I think about

That time the birds, finished singing
After the grass, was done fading

I've waited so long for, a homecoming
Waited so hard, I'm done waiting

But I know
Thoughts of you don't fade away
They just grow, getting stronger every day

Now I feel the rush
It fucks me up
When I think about you"
Rush (feat. Meredith Hagan)

This song is from the album Recovery II: (2016-2019).

Early on, Joe Nicolosi said he wanted to close Season 16 with a rewind to Season 01 with some nostalgic music, so I worked on Rush throughout the season. I was a bit stumped on lyrics for the verses, so I fired up Halo on my original Xbox (which miraculously still worked) and just wandered around Blood Gulch for a couple of hours.