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Plan D
This is an instrumental
Plan D

This song is from the album Recovery II: (2016-2019).

From RVB14E18. After writing and recording demos for the first three songs for the Musical episode, Miles and I ran out of time as he had to fly back to Austin. We nevertheless agreed on a basic concept of a groovy "dance" song as the resolution / finale for the episode, and I played him a basic demo in the car on the way to Seatac.

Plan D went through many iterations and revisions and was a great learning experience in remote collaboration. On the early versions, we were erring on "aloof", "cool", "ambient", almost "melancholy", but weren't hitting the groovy notes. This was my fault, because the subdivisions I was hearing in my head hadn't been recorded... yet.

Once Mr. Goulart played and recorded the percussion instruments everyone was on the same page.

Meredith Hagan provided the template vocals that were used to help situate Yomary's vocals, Violet played the sad piano, funky rhythm guitars, and searing four-part leads at the end, and I turned Laura Reed into a 70s strings section.


Nico Audy-Rowland: Fender Telecaster Deluxe, Danelectro baritone guitar, Omnisphere, Moog Source
Violet Heart: PRS guitar, Steinway piano, Fender Rhodes
Giovani Goulart: Percussion
Laura Reed: Strings
Steve Scully: Drums